Administration Assistant

Julia Shen

Contact Phone:03-265-4901

【Academic Affairs】

  1. Curriculum: Course opening, scheduling, course add/drop, modifications, changes, auditing, various weighting indices, course syllabi, online notification and reminders for course materials submission, academic regulations, course change proposals, list of required and elective subjects, special enrollment, distance learning, micro-programs, etc.
  2. Student graduation qualification review – Course assignments, preparatory graduate studies, summer courses, minor fields, double majors, suspensions, transfers, credit exemptions.
  3. Student leave and withdrawal procedures.
  4. Enrollment operations through various channels (meetings, brochures, consultations, data verification, collection, grade aggregation, etc.).
  5. Departmental education evaluation council, departmental meetings, departmental curriculum committees, IEET evaluations, primary records of departmental and college advisory committees.
  6. Compilation and drafting of various department (school) administrative plans.
  7. IEET on-site visit data compilation.

【Student Affairs】

  1. Tutor list, guidance for new students’ initial steps, and related operations.
  2. Graduate thesis, qualification exams, supervising professors, supervisory committees, and related operations.

【Personnel Affairs】

  1. Recruitment, renewal, evaluation, and promotion of full-time and part-time teachers and teaching assistants, and related operations.
  2. Teacher-related surveys, workshops, and meeting-related operations.

【Departmental Administration】

  1. Teacher research section: Compilation of IEET reports, medium and long-term plans, departmental evaluations, school databases, Ministry of Education databases, various performance reports, etc.
  2. Operations related to Ministry of Science and Technology, industry-academia cooperation, faculty research, international exchanges, international student recruitment plans, etc.
  3. Budget control, disbursement, reporting, and auditing.
  4. Preparation of fundraising reports for “Pillar of Chung Yuan” (statistics of donation amounts).
  5. Management of bank books and seals.
  6. Organizing non-student activities such as spring banquets, year-end parties, appreciation dinners, and retirement dinners.
  7. Processing of official documents and Outlook correspondence.
  8. Management of the department head’s calendar and unit seals.
  9. Assistance with ad hoc tasks assigned by various departments of the university.
  10. Assisting the department head with general affairs and ad hoc tasks.
  11. Assisting with ad hoc tasks from the College of Engineering.
  12. Acting as the primary liaison for the department regarding university, external, and faculty and administrative matters.